We are in the home stretch of summer here at Four Chickens. Girlfriend starts school on Wed., so we have been buying supplies, labeling everything, and cramming in some last summer activities.
We had a great summer. I can’t remember the last time we had so much fun throughout an entire summer.
At the end of June we went to visit my sister and her family in Monterey, CA (my hometown). We had a fabulous time. Girlfriend and her cousin always have a wonderful time together
They live in an area that has a lot of wildlife. We saw jack rabbits, turkeys (and turkey chicks):
skunks (which looked amazingly like Flower), snakes, lizards and deer.
We went swimming. dAhub showed off his aerial ballet skills:
Girlfriend showed off her belly flop skills:
We found fossils–in Carmel Valley there was a spot by the side of the road where you could literally grab shale off of the hill and find teeny crab fossils:
I did some research and found out these are Pinnixa galliheri rathburn–a shore crab–from the upper Miocene period and they are approx. 25 million years old! The mind boggles. And we have a whole pile of them in a bowl on our dining room table. Wow.
We went to a production of the musical Cats at an outdoor theatre at which I worked in high school:
The girls played at Dennis the Menace Park, a park where I spent many blissful afternoons as a child:
This is a great park. It even has an old locomotive engine for the kids to climb:
It was hard to leave–we really enjoyed being there and being with them.
More summer installments to come.
Your summer vacation looks like a blast! DaHub is quiet the acrobat!
Your holiday looks wonderful – the sort that imprints on a young mind and gives lots of happy memories for when she is older, I’m glad you are back however!