So, it’s been two months and I still haven’t taken the time to figure out how to post pictures on my blog. Or graphics. My friend Jessica created a cute graphic to be my banner, but I haven’t figured out how to put it up. I realize that it’s (probably) fairly easy–but it takes time to actually do it. And I’m lazy. And now it’s rainy and gray and dark. Truly the beginning of fall for Seattle.
My daughter started kindergarten in mid-September and we are all trying to settle into the routine. Getting up early is not a favorite thing for any of us. My daughter can sleep in with the best of them. So, getting her to get up and then to eat breakfast is a trial every day. By Thursday of each week she’s just about had it and her attitude is out in full force. Apparently, last Thursday at school she refused to do math and then refused to do Spanish. So, the teachers just told her to go read a book and calm down (her refusal included her signature yelling/rolling around on the floor routine). I’m dreading a similar report for today.
She did a funny/annoying thing a couple of days ago. She didn’t want to eat dinner even though I kept asking her to. At one point she marched over to her art table and madly wrote something on her hand. When I asked her to come back to the dining table to eat, she spun around and held out her hand. She had written the word “NO” on her palm. At least she’s learning to write, right? My husband and I couldn’t help ourselves–we just cracked up.
Haha! I still crack up thinking of this story! Diva has done a few things very similar as you know. She sounds too muh like her!