My daughter, that is. She’s had this fever thing on and off for a couple of weeks and now she has a higher fever and a sniffy nose. Not enough to knock her out, but enough for her to be contagious and unable to fraternize with other children. She did have a weepy night last night when her bestest babysitter/friend in the world came to play with her so DH and I could have dinner out. Even though she loves this person more than life itself, the concept of me leaving was just a little too much for her to take and she started to cry and wouldn’t let me go. We finally agreed to go out for a “quick” dinner. By the time we got back she was happy as a clam.
A couple of nights ago at SnB, I was telling the story of the bus commute my DH used to take when he worked at M*cros*ft. Every day at a certain bus stop a “meowing” sound started. DH couldn’t figure out where the cat was. Finally he noticed that it was actually a woman who was meowing. And she’d do it for the rest of the ride. The woman who sat next to me at SnB said, “No way! My husband takes the bus with the meowing woman!” Wow.
i am sorry to hear that the girlfriend is sick. at least she isn’t missing any school this week!