There’s a new kitten in town (aka our backyard) who’s cruisin’ for a bruisin’. The kitty is young and doesn’t know chickens, i.e., that a chicken could kill her. So, she blithely frolics in our backyard and tries to run up to Rosie, who doesn’t see the cuteness in kittens. Right now Rosie is doing her best to let the kitten know that you don’t mess with the old broad (i.e., she’s bawking her head off). But, the kitten doesn’t get it and keeps trying to “play” with the chicken. Nothing good can come of it, but there’s nothing I can do.
Kind of ironic, don’t you think? Most of the time people are worried that free-range cats will kill the songbirds in the neighborhood. Now, now nature has provided a balance for that–the backyard chicken.
Disclaimer: I love kittens, don’t get me wrong. I’m just saying that a kitten is no match for a full-sized chicken in her own backyard.
We have a young cat next door that feels at liberty to come and rotary hoe our back garden – now I like cats but I like my plants more, so anytime your chicken feels like a visit we would be more than delighted, just to teach the young guy next door to mess his garden up first
Maybe I need to get Ace a chicken?!