OK, so I’m joining the other 50 zillion knitters to do the NaKniSweMoDo, which is short for National Knit a Sweater a Month Dodecathon. It’s hard not to, given that everywhere I turn there’s another knitter doing it. And, I can be quite swayed by peer pressure–especially when it involves creating beautiful things. And there’s a convenient Ravelry group for it.
But, I am calling it NaKnitSweMoDo Lite. I know me. I will go gung ho for a bit and then fizz out when something else becomes more interesting. And, I’m allowing myself to knit at least one sweater for Girlfriend (the real rules are that they need to be adult-sized sweaters).
My January Sweater is the Tangled Yoke Cardigan. Here it is so far–I’m done with the body and am now working on the sleeves. The yarn is Elsebeth Lavold’s Silky Wool in a sage green color:
I’m thinking my February sweater will be Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Fairisle Yoke Sweater. I’m copying Jessica–she was knitting this at PurlyGirls this week. I’m still playing around with colors. This is one option (the vertical skein represents the color of the main body):
I took this picture in the yarn shop–I played around with the Cascade 220 Heathers. I’m now thinking of the blue for the main body and the other colors for the pattern at the top. With white. And another color I haven’t figured out yet.
For March I’m thinking the Drops 110-23 (such a descriptive name, don’t you think?). I just saw it on Rachael’s blog and fell in love with it. Maybe more Silky Wool for that one? I just bought a bunch of it in a beautiful blue color from Sasha during a recent stash swap.
In weather news, no snow for a couple of weeks. But, there are rumors of more snow at the end of the month–whoo hoo!