I’m attempting to do the NaBloPoMo this month. This crazy acronym stands for National Blog Posting Month. The month of November has been set as the one in which to do a blog post each day. I’ve never felt inspired to do this in the past, but this year I’m going for it. Further, I have decided to have a theme of sorts for my posts–community and conviviality. I may run out of steam on either or both of these (as evidenced by my utter and complete failure to complete NaKniSweMoDo, even my own “lite” version–I knit exactly 1 sweater out of the 12–but we shall not speak of this), but I will try. I hope you will bear with me as a clumsily try to flesh out some of the thoughts I have on these topics and how they relate to my life.
Of course, I will continue to include gluten-free recipes–pie crust and graham crackers are coming soon! And I will explore my knitting every so often.
Wish me well on this journey. Eek.