Look–it’s snowing again! This is late March in Seattle! What the heck is going on? Global warming at it’s best (worst)?
Anyway, just thought I’d share.
The advice I need is your opinions on digital cameras. I need a new one. I can’t seem to get a good photo of my knitting to save my life. I mean, come on, I’m a terrible picture taker but not that bad. I can’t seem to get my camera to focus for up close pictures (even on the “up close” setting). And, it wants to flash on anything except for extremely bright light–thereby washing out the color and erasing the texture (e.g., cables). I need something that works well, is good for an amateur who doesn’t care to read the manual too closely, and will focus on close-up stuff and translate the color well for goodness’ sake. I also need one that fits in my purse. Is that too much to ask? Oh, and a zoom (hey, my daughter plays soccer). Oh, and doesn’t use up the battery every 15 minutes.
Isn’t the cold weather at least partially due to el nina? Please pretend that I inserted the tilde n in el nina.
I can’t help you find a new camera since I need one too, but I might be able to help you with the battery issue if you’re using rechargable AAs. I just learned a lot about rechargables, and it turns out that many discharge insane amounts when sitting around and that many chargers are terrible. Details and suggestions at http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001078.html
I just got a new camera and I still have focus problems. I think it’s just too darn dark most of the day without a flash. What about using a light and making one of those cheap light tent/box out of a cardboard box or a plastic tub to diffuse the light? All of the cool bloggers are doing it and they take better pictures than me.
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One of these days I am going to set one up for myself…