We are back from vacation in California. We had a fabulous time. It included spending time with wonderful people, going to the beach and pool, and having wonderful meals at fabulous places. I love spending time with my sister and her family–and I miss them greatly!
One of the best meals we had on vacation (actually that we’ve ever had) was at the Casanova Restaurant in Carmel. Carmel is a charming little town, originally an artists’ colony, with winding little streets with little fairy and hobbit houses tucked here and there. It’s now an intensely expensive place to shop. Anyway, we wandered by Casanova and, having never eaten there, decided to stop. We had my daughter and my sister’s daughter (both 5), and the restaurant even looked OK for them. We ended up having a terrific meal that lasted a couple of hours. The food was great, the service was impeccable, my daughter and her cousin were great–all in all a fabulous experience.
When we got home that night we realized that we had accidentally taken the sheet of paper with the daily specials on it. It said, “ask about our Van Gogh menu.” My sister said, “Hey! I wonder if that’s the place that has Van Gogh’s table.” As it turns out, it does. The table used to be in the Auberge Ravoux in Auvers-ser-Oise, outside of Paris, France, below the apartment where Vincent Van Gogh lived his last years. He ate there everyday at the same table. As it happens, the chef from Casanova developed a friendship with the chef at the Auberge and the Auberge chef ended up giving the Van Gogh table to the Casanova chef. So, it resides in a special room there and you can book it and have a special meal at the table. I will admit that I am touched by the friendship between these two chefs. Tres cool, non?
Our trip included more artistic pursuits–we bought a print of one of my brother, Lawrence’s painting. The print is of his beautiful painting, Bella Donna. He’s a wonderfully talented artist and I love him dearly! I can’t wait to frame the print and put it up.
More later–the garden and the chickens are calling (literally)!
Time to show us some knitting. How’s Martha coming along?