Literally. Sheesh. I can be such a doofus sometimes. I was taking the recycling out this evening and stepped off the deck and whoop–my left foot turned under me and made a sickening noise and I fell. I’ve had this happen before and I know that I’m pretty much stuck once I stay still, so I hurriedly limped inside and went to bed. And here I’ve been ever since. Girlfriend has been such a helper–she got me water and brought a book. She heated up a rice sock thingy for me in the microwave. I almost asked her to pour me a glass of wine–but I didn’t. It seemed like it would have been wrong.
dAhub came home (after I called him in tears) and took over. He cooked dinner and did all the evening things for the family. And I’ve been lying here, with a throbbing ankle, worried about the fact that my sister and my niece will be arriving for a visit tomorrow and will I be able to pick them up at the airport. Once again, I am a doofus.
Send healing vibes to my ankle. Stupid stupid ankle.
Oh no Jeanne! Are you sure it’s not a go to the doctor kind of injury? I hope that you are back up on your feet soon.
ow! sending healing thoughts your direction. oh…in case you needed to know, this nobody does love you, and i hope that some day soon things will ease up so i can come a knitting!
Ouch. Hope you’re doing better tomorrow.