Sigh. I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself. I’ve now been stuck at home with a cranky daughter for several days and my head hurts and it’s gray outside. They say it might snow again tonight, which would make me happy, but for now it’s gray. And dark. And cold. And did I mention that my head hurts? And that Girlfriend is cranky? She’s got this thing that makes her feel sick on and off throughout the day. So, I am in touch with her teacher and I have a bunch of schoolwork for her to do at home. Unfortunately, she fights me every step of the way on getting it done. And her teacher is already a bit skeptical about the stomach thing anyway (Girlfriend’s pediatrician said she was sick, I swear!). So, I’m kind of feeling like we’re doing something wrong by keeping her home and therefore I’m feeling like Girlfriend should get all this schoolwork done and Girlfriend doesn’t want to get any schoolwork done because she’s home and sick and I agree but then I worry that her teacher will be mad at me (because I am 4).
I need to take some Damnitol. I must have some somewhere. Also,anyone have a free trip to Hawaii laying around that I could use?
Also, Girlfriend’s birthday party is a week and a half away and we sent out invitations. But, we don’t have anything else planned. We usually just have a few games, cake and snacks and call it good. But, I can’t think of any games and, as I said, my head hurts so I can’t really get up enough energy to do it. But, I seem to have enough energy to be stressed about it. I’ve been emailing magicians. Boy, if you ever do a web search for party magicians, get ready for cheesy web sites. Sheesh. They’ve all take the trashy flashy Vegas thing way too seriously. One guy looked kind of good, but then I noticed that all his clients were way out of my league–people like the Mayor and B*ll G*tes. I’m guessing that anyone B*ll G*tes has at his birthday parties is used to the champagne and caviar lifestyle–and I’m on an apple juice and crackers budget.
Also, Girlfriend’s best friend, Boyfriend (I have enough posts about him to give him a name), has his birthday party this weekend. And, we have no present for him yet. Because my head hurts (I’m just telling you in case you forgot) and I can’t get it together to go get something. See? Don’t you feel sorry for me? Is this not the most pitiful blog post ever??
I with ya…and if I lived nearby you know I’d be there with knitting in hand to suffer right along with you!