Yes, yes I am! I can’t quite believe it! Yes, it is another gluten-free baking book. The new book will be more general than my first cookbook, which is terrific. The working title is: Gluten-Free Wishlist: Sweet and Savory Treats You Miss the Most. How awesome is that? I am so excited about this book–it will contain all of the things that you have been asking for over the years: croissants, naan, pita bread, ramen noodles, dumplings, pantry essentials, etc. It will be bigger that my last cookbook and contain more recipes and more baking tips. I am so excited I am about to burst!
This new book will again be with Chronicle Books–I feel so fortunate to be able to work with them again. They are an awesome publishing house and love working with everyone there. Each time I visit their offices, it’s like visiting home. I am a lucky, lucky woman to have yet another chance to write a cookbook and to be with such a wonderful publisher–squeeeee!!
The projected release date is Fall 2015.
I will put out a call for recipe testers, soon. Keep your eye out for a post on that, soon! Yay!
(clip art from:
My stepdaughter with celiac just said that the one food she really misses is… croissant! I had a great time as a recipe tester for another cookbook and would be really thrilled to participate with you on your new venture!
Connie: Thank you! I will let you know when I put out a call for testers. I’m a bit behind on this one. :p
Congratulations on the new cookbook! Wishing you much joy and looking forward to your delicious recipes. Cheers!
J+C: Thank you!!
Hi Jeanne, So happy to hear that you are writing a new cookbook !! I also wanted you to know that the panettone recipe is fantastic. I made it for Christmas and my non gluten free mom couldn’t even tell it was gluten free ! She eats “regular” panettone every Christmas, so she knows what good panettone should taste like. She ate mine toasted each morning until New Year’s !!! Thank you and keep up the great work !!
Mary Beth: Yay! Thank you so much for letting me know!
Thank you, Jan!
I’m late to your news but delighted nonetheless! Fabulous news, congratulations! Happy 2014!
Jayne: Thank you so much!!
You announced your second book on my birthday! You made it the best birthday ever! I’m echoing everybody else – write faster!!!!
Jo: Yay! Belated happy birthday! And I’m writing as fast as I can! 🙂
Congrats! You deserve it!
Donna: Thank you so much!!
That is great news!
Jenny: Thank you!
Congratulations Jeanne, I am brand new to the gluten free world and am so excited to have found your blog and website. I realize I’m lucky that there are more options than you had, but there still is not a lot of places you can go to get help and recipes; at least not that I have found yet. So imagine how happy I am now. I will be getting your first book straight away, in the mean time have you worked with coconut flour? I have gotten almond flour (very fine), coconut flour, rice flour, King Arthurs GF multi purpose blend( a mix of specialty flour bend of rice flour, tapioca starch, potato starch, whole grain brown rice flour) and Authentic foods Multi-Flour blend. These are what I have to work with so far and I want to make your soft white sandwich bread, will any of these work for your recipe? I’ve read your articles from that page and Ive noticed you don’t talk about almond and coconut flours, are they any good to work with? Thanks a million for your site here, it’s helping me to feel a little more warm and fuzzy about my journey into the GF realm. Also do you have any suggestions on where to go for vegetarian and vegan info and recipes I can access on the fly?
Suzette: Thank you! Check out my post on questions about and substitutions for my flour mix. I answer all of these questions. Also, I have a post about Ingredient Substitutions that explains how to substitute for butter and eggs and other things. That said, I don’t have a set list of vegetarian/vegan websites that I follow. I usually do a Google search when I need something for this topic. 🙂 is a great vegetarian/vegan website.
Ramen noodles?!! You really are my hero.
Lindsay: I’m really excited about those!!
That’s really exciting! I hope there will be a danish recipe- I miss those the most. I will have to check it out!
Yes! I will have a Danish recipe in the new book!
I’m so happy for you and for me :). All the people I bought the book for (and me) LOVE IT! YEAH!
Nikol: Yay! Thank you!
Write faster! Jeanne, you have saved my sanity. I am one year in to the adventures of GF baking and after finding your FAQ page after googling “trouble shoot GF baking” I have come to rely on your recipes. Last night’s record cold temps demanded comfort food–pot roast made over into stew with dumplings (formerly Bisquick drop biscuits). I used your buttermilk biscuit recipe and baked half and steamed the rest on top of the stew. Both were a success! The sad part is I had never mastered biscuits in the realm of gluten and these GF ones were my best result ever.
KD: Oh, I’m so glad! And yay for the biscuits! And I’m writing as fast as I can (lol!) Happy baking!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Congratulations!!! Your first book is fabulous, can’t wait to see what is in store for your second. Wishing you all the best things in the coming year Jeanne 🙂
Wendy: Aw, thank you! I really appreciate it!! And happy new year to you, too, Wendy!!
Yum! I can’t wait. I have your first book and love it (and it gets a lot more use than just holidays). Super excited for the next one though fall 2015 seems an eternity to wait! I think I’m going to make your cheese sticks tonight to celebrate! Will be keeping my eyes peeled for updates 🙂
Asha: Yay! Thank you! And yes, Fall 2015 seems so far away, doesn’t it? ack
Seriously? Ramen Noodles? I can’t wait!
Linda: right? I am so excited about that recipe. Yay!
Yea about the cookbook and I would LOVE to be a recipe tester! I do have one request, my family loves cut-out cookies, sugar cookies that are cut with cookie cutters. I still make them the original way for them, but would love to find a gluten free recipe that we all could enjoy. Also, I love your pressed cookie recipe, and my family does not know the difference.
I know that you like Scandinavian recipes so here is a gluten free recipe I devised for Kransekaka:
Kristin: Thank you! And have you checked my 1st book (Gluten-Free Baking for the Holidays)? It has a rolled sugar cookie recipe that is super yummy! Also, I will check out your recipe–thanks for the link!
So excited for you Jeanne! Congratulations!!!
Mira: Thank you so much, Mira!
Yay for you and yay for us!!!!!!!!! Now we’ll just have to be patient…sigh…
When might we expect this wonderful book?
Dianne: Thank you! And it’s supposed to come out Fall 2015!
Me: So this new cookbook will have recipes for croissants, naan…
Daughter: You have to buy it now!
Me:…pita bread, ramen noodles, dumplings…
Daughter: Right now, you have to buy it right now!
Me: Honey, she says it’s not out until fall 2015.
Daughter: Now, tell her to start writing it right now!
There’s one preorder you can count on. 😉
Anna: Aw, thank you! And tell your daughter I am writing! 😉