So, dAhub went grocery shopping yesterday. I hate grocery shopping, so I’m forever grateful that he’s willing to do it.
I sent him with a list. Maybe my handwriting isn’t so clear. And my spelling isn’t great at times, either. I put down something that looked like “pantil?ne?s.” dAhub looked at that and thought, “hey, that must be some sort of weird vegetable for dinner.” Because, isn’t every unreadable item you see on a grocery list a weird vegetable?
So, he asks the nice produce guy for help. The two of them stand there, looking at the word and finally hit upon the idea of sounding it out. After a few tries they hit upon it–panty liners! Then they look at each other and laugh a little and then get embarrassed and move away from each other like nothing has happened.
And there may have been a couple of women nearby shopping for actual vegetables who heard this whole thing and laughed, too.