Meet my trillium. Or, you may know her as Wake Robin–because she’s one of the first bloomers of the spring.. She’s a Pacific Northwest native wildflower and I treasure her.
My neighbor gave her to me last year and I dutifully planted her somewhere in the garden. Now, I have an absent-minded professor’s approach to the garden. I plant stuff and then forget where I planted them. Many of them are perennials that die back during the winter, so I have no idea where things are until they reappear in the spring. It’s kind of fun, because it’s like getting presents all spring and summer long. On the other hand, I sometimes think I’ve lost something, because I have no idea where they are planted and I can’t see them. Also, the chickens can eat the plants on their romps around the garden–but I don’t want to spend all my time freaking out over this because I also want my chickens to free range. Sigh.
Anyway, yesterday, while puttering in my garden, I saw my trillium. I’m so thrilled! Trilliums are somewhat rare and they are kind of fussy. So, I’m so please and honored that she decided to stay awhile.