The longest day of the year. I love this day. It’s usually sunny and warm and that makes me happy. Since Seattle is so far north, the sun doesn’t set until after 9:00 pm. It confuses Girlfriend, who argues that it is NOT time to go to bed because it’s still sunny. I agree. One shouldn’t have to go to bed when it’s sunny. And once school ends (the last day is tomorrow–yay), we will settle into our summer schedule–stay up late, outside, and sleep late in the morning. Yay!
Throughout the year, dAhub has been making little lunchbox notes for Girlfriend. He is quite a good artist and his notes are so cute. He often does them on a theme–The Wizard of Oz, Charlotte’s Web, Wallace and Gromit. Today’s note was Magic Schoolbus:
Now if only she would eat her lunch…
Not much knitting lately. I’ve been crazy busy with end of school stuff. I am still working on the Monkey socks in Koigu. It’s an easy and fun pattern:
Have a wonderful day and enjoy the light!
Oh that drawing is so sweet – I wish I had a lunchbox with notes like that!
I’m still catching up on my blog reading but, Happy Belated Solstice and I agree…Monkey is a fun pattern to knit!
I love that little drawing. You are right, he is a fairly decent artist. Happy solstice to you and end of school year to boot.