This has been Spring Break week here at Four Chickens. We started the week out with Easter Weekend activities. These ranged from a nighttime flashlight egg hunt (super fun) to a crazy egg hunt with tons of kids at a park (not so fun). Here’s a picture that tells what a thousand words couldn’t about how Girlfriend liked the park hunt:
I can’t tell you how funny this picture is to me. It portrays the moment perfectly.
The Easter Bunny did redeem herself on Sunday by bringing a lovely basket full of goodies, so things got better.
We’ve spent the week having many play dates with friends. During one play date, Girlfriend’s best friend convinced her to play spies. I’m not sure what that really entailed, but I put an end to it when they started investigating my butt. Having two 7 year olds follow me around the yard with magnifying glasses pointed at my rear end was annoying and vaguely embarrassing.
dAhub got a book on 3D animation from the library a few days ago. Girlfriend became absorbed in it immediately and has been developing her own animated series about Row the Robot and the cat he meets. First she did a storyboard (I think that’s what it’s called):
Then she did a full-sized picture for each frame and now she’s working on colored pictures for each frame. I have to say that it’s fascinating to watch her be so engaged in this.
I’ve also been knitting. I started the Central Park Hoodie from the Fall 2006 KnitScene. I’m knitting it in a Donegal Aran Tweed I got from a woman in Ireland. It’s such a pretty color (it’s a little more vibrant of a color than the picture depicts):
I finished a pair of socks I was knitting:
Pattern: Child’s First Sock from Knitting Vintage Socks, by Nancy Bush
Yarn: Koigu (because I love it)
I really liked this pattern and found it to be fun and easy to knit, but I have to say that I find Nancy Bush’s books vaguely confusing. There is something about them that always feels weird and slightly unclear. I can’t quite put my finger on what is weird about them. For this particular pattern, the fact that these are called Child’s First Sock (because that’s the name of the pattern she copied from Weldon’s) confuses everyone. Each time I pull these out to show other knitters, they are surprised to find that they are actually written for a woman’s foot, not a child’s foot.
Have a good Friday and don’t walk under any ladders!
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I have the book, thought they were for children too…lol…so glad to know they fit an adult!
Love the photo of baby girl! Who the hell wants an always smiley, perky kinda kid anyway? I have just spent the last day of the Easter holidays with the daughter and her friend underfoot, her friend is a nice sweet kid who apparently doesn’t mind anything (lunch, what game to play, watching Madam tidy up, type of fruit juice etc) – so totally wierd to have someone say “thank you” and “I don’t mind” instead of Madams usual comments, wierd I tell you, it has toally freaked me out, if only Madam knew how much my life would be hell…