So, we are currently engaged in the Great Chick Buying Hunt 2008. We want to get more chicks this year. We want to fill up the coop again. It’s so sad to have just one chicken–she is lonely. The only difficulty with new chicks will be introducing the babies to Rosie in a way that she will take to them. But, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Right now I’m trying to get the breeds I want. I want a Blue Cochin, a Golden-Laced Wyandotte, a Silver-Laced Wyandotte (this is the breed Rosie is), and a Welsummer or a Blue-Laced Wyandotte.
Of course, you can’t go to the chicken department store and pick them off the rack. You either have to go to a feed store to get them (which is cuter than anything) or order them. The problem with feed stores is that they may or may not have the breeds you want. On the other hand, the online company I want to order from is not taking orders at this moment–because too many other people want to do the same thing and they need to catch up. The reason I need to go through a certain company is that they allow you to order in quantities less than 25–which is what the other places insist on. Sigh.
So, I’ve been calling around to different feed stores, trying to find the combo of breeds I want. Another issue you have to add to the juggle is that you have to get the chicks within a week of each other or else the older ones will peck at the younger ones (hence the term “pecking order”). Bullying starts young with chickens.
So, I’m here, an expectant chicken mom, trying to figure out when my babies will finally be here.
Ginger, do you happen to have any extra salmon faverolle chicks? I live in Kenmore and was hunting around the web looking for salmon faverolles this spring and saw your post. If you could email me at, I’d love to get some of your extra salmon faverolles, my wife and I loved our last one in our flock!
I’m just up in Lynnwood and I will be getting some chicks from the hatchery next week. They aren’t the breeds you listed, but nice breeds none the less: Marans, Salmon Faverolle, Chantecler and Danish Brown Leghorn. I ordered extras so let me know if you’re interested.
sorry to hear you are down to one hen. have you checked out yet? i believe you can order as little 3 chicks. good luck!!!
I’m “cluckin’ & scratchin'” happy for you and Rosie! I would love to have chickens of my own…not going to happen though!