We had a nice sunny weekend here in the Northwest. The weather actually got up over 70 degrees today–heaven! Ever since my daughter’s been sick, one of her favorite things is to be read to. We are currently on the fourth Harry Potter book. So, now that it’s nice out, we read to her outside while she lies on the hammock. In this picture the hammock is set up in next to the chicken pen to take advantage of the afternoon sun. Notice the hat my husband is wearing–it makes him look like a French farmer, non?
I also experimented with making one of those DIY Sock Blockers. It works beautifully! I’m really pleased with how the Waterfalls sock (from Northern Sunshine Designs) looks on it:
Clearly, I still need to figure out how to make details appear more distinctly on my camera. But, that will come in time. I’m just thrilled that I have a camera that works.
Yesterday, I worked on some anti-pest devices for the strawberry garden and the vegetable garden. As if to mock me, the bunny (called Bun Bun or Violet by my daughter) has been crawling under the veggie garden gate and hopping around–clearly dreaming of the delights that will be his this summer. But, no–I nailed chicken wire on the gate so he can’t scootch under or squeeze through the slats. We’ll see if that works. The chickens were quite put-out that I put some chicken wire around the strawberry patch–they love eating the leaves and scratching up the plants. But no more.
Hi…just a drive by comment ’cause I like it when I find people that spell “Jeanne” correctly, or in other words, like I do….