Rabbitch has a funny (and so true) story of a yarn store where the clerks freaked out when a friend’s daughter tried to touch some yarn. And this was before even seeing how the girl treated the yarn.
This reminded me of a story I read in the latest issue of Gourmet magazine. There is a story in it about the joys of living in northern Massachusetts on the coast. Apparently there is a bookstore there that has a sign that says: “Unattended Children Will Be Given an Espresso and a Free Puppy.” That cracked me up for the rest of the night!
That sign is soooooo funny!
…why can’t I come across stuff like that to brighten up my day…when I’m out and about…with a screaming, whining child?
That’s funny.
When I worked in a mall eons ago of course :o) people would actually drop their kids off at the store I worked in so they could go shopping. I worked in a video retail store, Suncoast, and I would call security most times, but toerh times I would have the kids tidy up areas. :o)