I’ve had one of those weeks where I can’t even make phone calls I need to make. Or, I have to ration them out, day by day. Today I made the phone call to my health insurance people to argue a charge the should be paying for but they say they can’t. I can’t help but feel that the folks who work in management for health insurance companies would test very low in empathy in a personality test.
This week I’ve had or will have: a PTA board meeting, a community council meeting, a school advisory council meeting and a knitter’s gathering. The knitter’s gathering was for fun, but it did add to my meetings this week. I’ve either been in meetings or preparing for meetings all week. It’s work I like, for the most part, but when it all happens in one week it feels like a little much. And I don’t even work for pay. This is all volunteer.
We are also trying to clear out our office area which has turned into a storage unit for stuff we can’t figure out what to do with. dAhub is in charge of most of this as most of the stuff is his. But, once he’s done with his part of the area, I will swoop in and do my part.
We also have a friend coming in from out of town who is staying with us this weekend. And the guest area is on the other side of the disaster office area. So, we have to get the office area cleared up or risk eternal shame over our messy guest quarters. Maybe our friend can use a stack of old household records as a bedside table? Where are the housecleaner fairies when you need them?
It’s all good, it’s just a little overwhelming at times. Girlfriend is feeling it. She had a group violin lesson today (where all the violin players play together for an hour) and one time I looked over at her she looked like she was about to keel over, violin in hand. I think the time change and our busy schedules are catching up with all of us. Phew.
the photo says it all!