Update 3/17/11: Thank you so much for the outpouring of support and offers to help test recipes. I now have over 100 testers and I am closing the group to new testers. If I need more testers, I will put up a new call for testers. Thank you so much, everyone!
Update 3/9/11: Oh my goodness! I am overwhelmed and honored by the offers to help test the recipes for the book! Wow! Thanks, guys! I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have so much love and support from my readers–yay! And I have such a tight deadline that I am so thankful to have many folks offering to test–many hands make light work, as the saying goes.
I am in the process of getting together a Yahoo group for us, which I think is the best way to do this. I will then send out invitations to everyone who has offered to test recipes to join the group. From there, I will have folks choose recipes to test, etc. So, stay tuned! Thank you everyone!!
First of all, I want to thank everyone who has left congratulatory comments about my Gluten-Free Holiday Baking cookbook deal post! Yay! I still can’t quite believe it’s really happening. Thank you all!!
As I said in my announcement post, I need recipe testers to make sure that my recipes work well in kitchens other than mine. This means: the more testers, the better!
This book is on a tight schedule–my first draft is due at the beginning of June (eek). So, we need to get cracking. I would love to have as many folks as possible testing the recipes so I get a lot of feedback. What recipe testing will involve:
1. Test my recipes as written and report back on your experiences.
2. Share photos of your results (if possible)–so I have an idea of how it worked.
3. Some folks to test with alternative ingredients, e.g., butter and milk substitutes, or use of different types of eggs or egg substitutes. I want my book to be as usable as possible for as many folks as possible.
4. Agree not to share the recipes with anyone else until the cookbook comes out. ‘Cause, you know, why would anyone buy it if all of the recipes were already public?
If you would like to be a recipe tester (in exchange for my undying gratitude and a huge thank you in the book), please leave a note in the comments. Please include your limitations, if there are any–e.g., egg-free, dairy-free, can’t use a particular flour, altitude baking, whatever. I think what I will do is organize a Yahoo group for all of us so we can share and chat about our experiences.
Thank you so much!! This will be fun!
My daughter is GF and we love to experiment with cooking to suit her allergies. Please include us. Thanks.
I would love to be a tester! I am newly Gluten free.. within the past month.. and come to find out wheat is the MAIN source to all my medical problems.. I LOVE to bake.. and baking is my passion.. and your website fired up my passion to bake again.. I am so thankful I can actually bake!! :] Thank you again! I would be honored to test anything out! Good luck with everything! Such an amazing opportunity!
Hello there, I am not sure if I am late here or not, but I too would love to join in. I have and Do testing for another site and absolutely love it.
Would love to help! I am gluten and nut free.
I would love to help you. I have also been asked by Vanessa from prepped. co.uk to help test for her second book. I also have a mild intolerance where white baked goods and pastas are involved so would love some better options for myself to cook. Hopefully we can help each other out. Cat x
Jeanne, I would love to help! I’ve no restrictions, so I can test anything and can give you some insights as a fairly new gluten free baker. Most ingredients are also within my reach. Can’t wait to try!!!
I would love to be a recipe tester, if you are still in need! My husband is not supposed to eat wheat or milk products, also has some reactions to other things like soy and cashews. Let me know, thanks!
I would love to test recipes…my husband is gluten free
I totally want to help! No restrictions except gluten free obviously 🙂
I’d love to test anything you give me!
I’d like to test a recipe. I used your puff pastry recipe for my Christmas beef wellington, and it worked out great.
Pamela: wow–so glad the puff pastry worked well for you! Do you have any photos of it?
I’d love to test a recipe. And no limitations here!
I’ll do it! We’re dairy free, in addition to gluten free.
I would love to be a recipe tester…allergic to rice and nuts…must be gluten free obviously…I was a pastry chef for 10 years and quit when i found out about celiac (and other allergies) so I am going to school right now and really miss baking.
volunteering… no restrictions…
I am really excited for your book and would love to be a tester! I have been gf for just about two month after finding out I have an allergy to wheat (and nuts). I LOVE to bake but I am at a loss when it comes to gf recipes. I am equipped with a reliable oven and a husband who would love to enjoy my baking again 🙂
i’d love to help! My daughers and I are alway looking to try new recipes and it would be great to help!
My boyfriend and I would love to be testers. I have made a number of your recipes already and would thoroughly enjoy this opportunity.
Hi Jeanne,
It looks like you have a lot of testers, but should you need one more, I’d be glad to pitch in!
I’d love to test recipes! I am gluten free and my husband has a nut allergy. I am in the UK so some flours, etc, might be more difficult to source – it will be interesting to find out.
I would love to be a tester. I live in a little cabin at high altitude and cook using a toaster oven and hot plate. You would be surprised at the delicious meals I am able to create.
Hi there!
Would love to help you test out recipes. My whole family eats gluten free thanks to my daughter and I have Celiac disease.
Good luck with the book!
Please let me know if I can help out.
I would love to be a tester. I love to bake and I’m relatively new to the gluten-free lifestyle (about 6 months). One of my wishes is to find a good gluten-free challah recipe.
I’d like to try out your recipes! I’m wheat sensitive & corn and soy allergic and these 3 things are in just about everything store bought.
I’d love to pitch in.
Still very new to gluten-free baking (though not to baking in general), so I’ll give you an honest newbie’s perspective.
Hey Jeanne, I’d love to participate if you’ll have me. I’m in Boulder, CO, so you’d know how the recipes act at altitude. I’m gluten free all the way and allergic to all nuts except pecans and walnuts (go figure), but I periodically use coconut milk or rice milk in my recipes. I also use coconut oil with great success in sweets (actually improves the taste of coconut cake).
I would love to help out! I’m GF and can eat dairy, but like to try alternative milk options when possible. I’m happy to take photos and have an office full of gluten eaters that like to taste test my experiments.
Happy to keep the recipes confidential as well 🙂
I would love to test recipes for you!! Such a fun way to participate in helping you. I would not be able to use “nut flours” and I really wouldn’t be able to share photos. So if you still could use me I’d love to bake for you.
Hi, I would love to be a tester. We just moved into new house so I have not been able to bake for 5 months but now have kitchen of dreams, so I am ready to go.
GF, Milk and grown Daughter is Sugar Free as well.
Good Luck
Congrats Jeanne! So exciting. I’d love to help if you want the perspective of more of a beginner cook! 🙂
oh sorry, my niece has nut and wheat allergies, and i frequently bake for her.
first of all congrats on your cookbook deal how super exciting !!!!
i would definitely love to be a recipe tester as for my limitations well i am an vegetarian but my fiancee’ is not so i cook both ways. and i live in the on an island in the Caribbean so i have altitude and temperature issues along with several substitutions due to the availability of ingredients.
congrats again !!
Jeanne- I’d love to help if you could use me. Gluten is my only intolerance.
I would love to test your recipes. My husband is dairy free so I would prefer to make dairy substitutions but my children and myself can eat dairy.
I’m interested in being a tester. I cook and bake completely gluten free. I usually use almond milk in baking but always use butter. I can use cow’s milk if preferred. It would be fun to help!
We are a GF family that would love to test for your book!
Ooops, Forgot to mention we live in Renton, south of Seattle. Anything I can add to my regular menu would be great. I make GF pizza,pasta, bread, muffins, cookies, and more.
I would be happy to test some recipes for you. We are a household that is partially Gluten Free. I have been using your flour mix for the past 7 months, and several of your recipes. My daughter and husband are gluten free, so I make sandwich bread, pancakes, treats on a weekly/daily basis.
Thank you and congratulations.
Congratulations, first off! I would love to assist in the recipe testing. I am gluten-free and take on the challenge of adjusting recipes to be lower fat, without sacrificing flavor.
Would be happy to try anything!
I would love to help you test your recipes. Let me know if I can help.
I love baking new things! I have a little boy who can’t have Dairy,Wheat,Eggs,Chocolate, Nuts,tomatoes, Strawberries or Oatmeal. We are always looking for new recipes to try!
I would love to help! Especially if you have any kid-type recipe, as my 8 year old son and I have celiac.
Just so you know, my budding pastry chef, my daughter who is almost 14, has learned how to incorporate your flour mix into some standard recipes for cookies. There are so good, that the rest of my family has difficulty telling they are gluten free!
Living simply, my diet refinement is focused on gluten free, dairy free, and casin free. Sounds fabulous, right? Throw in my gluten eating two high school kids and two college age kids stopping by for mom’s home cooking, I’ve got a built in critic’s corner. We’re located smack dab in the heart of the mid west, we’d let you know if your recipes can Play in Peoria.
LOL! OMG, Becky–you’re cracking me up!
I would enjoy being a tester. We’ve been gf for a little over a year. No other food restrictions other than gf. We live in a very wet foggy area, so gf baking is extra challenging since the dough is often already sticky.
I have no restrictions, and would love to test recipes for you!
Thanks – Sofie
I would love to help test recipes for your cookbook.
I am gluten and dairy free (can use goat milk products).
I live at 6,300 feet above sea level.
I would love to test recipes for you. I have celiac disease.
I would love to try some recipes. I am intolerant to gluten as well as corn, so things can get challenging.
I would be happy to test a few, just let me know. It might be good to know that I am a novice cook, just having started last year to learn how to make dishes and baked goods for my wife, who has to eat gluten free. This might give you an indicator of how the recipes are handled by “beginners” like me:)
Also, of interest, is that I make many a recipe that also call for vegan ingriedients, but usually substitute with butter or eggs, since we are not a vegan household. So, I could try some recipes both ways for you if needed.
Pie Daddy
I’d love to be a recipe tester. Other than gluten, I have no other restrictions. And I eat with a gluten eater who has no problems telling me when he thinks gluten free products are not up to snuff. I’ve also got a new KitchenAid that would love to be put through it’s paces 😉
I’m lactose sensitive, but would love to test.
Congratulations!! I would love to be a recipe tester. I don’t have any allergy restrictions, but I have a weekly dinner party at which I cook for someone who is gluten free and someone who is allergic to dairy, soy, and eggs. I would be able to try out recipes with both conventional and alternative ingredients. I’m local to Seattle and love taking pictures of what I cook.
Sign me up!! My Only limitation is gluten free:)
I’d love to be a tester; what better way to get in the groove of baking gluten-free since my husband was just diagnosed with CD. The only restriction that we have is the doctor also put him on raw milk products, so I would be using raw milk dairy (when available) in the recipes.
Looks like you have loads of people, but I would love to be a tester. I have really liked everything I have made from your recipes. No restrictions except I HATE bean flour. I love, love, love traditional holiday baking and am not afraid of pastry.
I’d love to test for you. We’re GF and vegetarian. Check out my site at glutenfreeinaz.blogspot.com. I love trying new recipes…can’t wait to try your Thin Mint version.
I can be a recipe tester. I am in the mile high city so I could be an altitude tester. Sounds like fun!
I would love to help test recipes. I live in the Salt Lake area so altitude is often a challenge in my baking. I also have job that requires a lot of precision writing so I think I could provide a thorough feedback of my results. Let me know if I can help :).
Jeanne, I would be honoured to be a tester for a recipe or two for you! No limitations (except, gluten, hehe). Let me know how I can help!
I would love to help test recipes! Other than Celiac Disease, we have no other dietary restrictions. I usually use regular butter, milk, eggs, etc… but I’m willing to try new things.
I would love to help. My husband is gluten free and dairy free so when I cook, of course, it is GF and DF,
I literally squeed when I saw this. I would love to be a recipe tester. My only limitation (besides gf) is time and money. I doubt I could test more than one recipe a week (but I would love to do that!).
I would love to test some recipes. We are gluten and nut free.
I would love to be a tester! We are a gluten free low sugar/no sugar household. I live at sea level, high humidity and often stormy… If it works here — it’ll work anywhere!
I am able to help!
I’d love to be a tester! No restriction besides gluten-free.
I would love to test for you. I bake without dairy products or soy, but usually have eggs around. I also can do egg-free as I often do for get-togethers with other allergic folks. I live in Germany, so I have trouble finding sorghum flour, though I can order it online if you use it. I bake already 2 to 3 times a week so it would be easy to fit in some additional test baking.
Me too! I’m gluten free, no other allergies (except I hate soy) & am at 5600 feet. Would love to help – this book will be killer, Jeanne.
Marilyn! So glad to “see” you! It’s been awhile! So glad you want to test! I need altitude testing for sure!!
I would be honored to help test your recipes…and I have 2 lovely men in my life who would be equally honored to guinea pig the results!
sign me up! My son and I are gluten-intolerant, and I am also allergic to chocolate. My husband has no food allergies, and loves to give his 2 cents as well.
I would love to be a tester! I have no allergies, but my beloved husband has many, and I like to bake for him!
I would love to test recipes for you-
Restrictions- gluten, soy, dairy and potato!
I would love to help you out!
I’d love to test out a few recipes!
I’ve got the following restrictions
no gluten
no meat
no soy
no corn
no mushrooms
I’m guessing that holiday recipes won’t be likely to include meat or mushrooms, but I figure you never know. 🙂
My son can not eat dairy, soy, all nuts, gluten, and corn. I am a huge fan of your blog… Would LOVE LOVE LOVE to try out recipes as one of those alternative ingredients folks… oh and I take good pictures 🙂
I would love to test recipes too. gf, soy free, hfcs free, no artificial colors/flavors, etc.
lol, wanted to add that most of the recipes on your blog fit the above requirements. we are in albuquerque, NM (5000 above sea level) considered high altitude (or those locally call it “high desert.”) =0)
… gluten free, soy free, use coconut milk and earth balance but also use butter, no peanuts or pecans and willing to try variations – can’t wait!
Good Luck!
I would love to be a tester! I’m cow’s milk free with the exception of butter. I do a lot of substituting with coconut and almond milks. I’ve also been substituting flaxseed and chia seed for gums. I’m also allergic to grapes and some varieties of berries, so I often sub things around there too.
I love every recipe of yours that I’ve tried so far, and so does my GF daughter-in-law. She says the things I bring her from your recipes are better than any commercial GF product out there, so I know she would love to help by eating what I cook and giving her opinion. I’d love to help.
I’d love to help.
I’ve already made your parker house rolls, sheet cake and sourdough bread.
I would love to test a recipe or two! Vegan vegan vegan! 🙂
I’d love to help. I’m gluten free with some food allergies – banana, avocado and apple (mostly the peel and raw, fine if cooked).
Would love to test for you as well. We are gluten free, egg free, though some of us can do duck eggs and I use them in baking, dairy free and occasionally I will sub out the potato starch or flour because I think I react to it.
would love to be a tester for you! in addition to gluten, no soy, dairy, or chocolate for me.
I would love to be a tester for you. Some limitations at my house, no corn, soy, flax.
I would LOVE to try them out! I have no limitations. My gluten-eating hubby will take great pics for you and give his opinion too! Good luck!
I would love to test gf recipes for you. I have already made a few of the recipes on your blog and they are fantastic!! Sign me up!!!
I’d love to test recipes, too. My son & I are gluten-free, and I’m breastfeeding a baby who seems happier when I take it easy on dairy, so I’d be keen to try milk & butter alternatives, if needed, although I prefer the real deal.
Congrats on your wown cook book!! Yeah to you!!
I would love to test recipes for you!! But if you use sorghum flour & xantan gum, we can’t get it over here but I use guar gum instead & I use a whole lot of different gf flours such as millet, coconut, brown rice, etc!!
I can’t eat a lot of butter but use a lot coconut oil. I eat lactose free & now gf too!
Waw!! Really good news for you!
Hi Jeanne, I am so proud of you, yay!!
I would be delighted to help with recipe testing. I don’t eat dairy but my family does, so I can make things either with or without dairy.
I would love to test out recipe(s) for your gluten-free cookbook! no restrictions, but I love to bake and cook for GF friends, and went 6 weeks earlier this year, GF as an experiment – interesting by feels-good, and want to explore further.
Yes to the sensible confidentiality, and photos, and writing up what works or doesn’t. I’ll play test kitchens, and then buy the book!
I would love to try new GF recipes. I am a celiac – so gf recipes of course!
me! 😉
no restrictions
Jeanne, I would love to help you out and test your recipes. My only restriction is gluten-free.
Would love to participate. We’re a gluten-full, no allergy household, so if you want opinions on how a recipe compares with the ‘full fat’ version, then I’m yours!
I’d love to try out a recipe. Let me know if I can help!