Hey all! I hope my American readers had a happy Thanksgiving! We had a lovely day with friends who are like family to us.
I just wanted to alert you to some events I’m doing this weekend. Tomorrow, Saturday Nov. 30th, I am participating in the “Guest Bookseller” day at independent bookstores with other authors around the area. The details:
“In response to a call from Sherman Alexie, writers around the country are taking turns as booksellers in independent bookstores everywhere as part of the national Small Business Saturday, traditionally observed as part of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. The writers will be on hand to both help sell and sign their own books, as well as recommend some key, feature titles of their choosing.”
I will be at 2 different bookstores to sign books and help you find other books for your shopping cart.
Book Larder 12:15-1 pm
Elliott Bay Book Company 3-4 pm
Please join me and other authors at your favorite local bookstore!
And then on Sunday, I will be teaching the last in my autumn series of Gluten-Free Baking classes at the Intentional Table on Bainbridge Island: Holiday Cookies! Details:
Sunday, December 1, 2013
2-5 pm
Intentional Table
Have a lovely weekend!

I live in California but I am from Venice, Italy, and I wanted to let you know that there is a similar event today in Venice, I wonder whether it is an international event.
Have a great day, and Happy upcoming Holidays!
On a different note….I tried to make a pie on Thursday and I used cup4cup with really bad results, the crust tasted awful. I am going to look through your archives but I was wondering whether your GF mix works well with pies. So far I have used it in shortbread, scones, tart dough and streusel, but not in pie crust. Any advice?
Laura: Yay! My mix works really well in pies. Check out my Flaky Pie Crust recipe!