Hey folks! We are rolling into my last week of super-busy book promotion. If you want to get a book signed in the Seattle area, please check out the following events! It’s been so fun to meet many of you and chat! What a lovely time this has been for me!
* Wednesday, 12/12, 7 pm, Samples, Talk, and Book Signing, Village Books, Bellingham, WA
* Thursday, 12/13, 4-6pm, Samples and Book Signing, Metropolitan Market, Kirkland, WA
* Friday, 12/14, 12-2pm, Samples and Book Signing, City Kitchens, Seattle, WA
(Clip-art from www1.free-clipart.net/cgi-bin/clipart/directory.cgi?direct=clipart/Education/General&img=18)

Just bought your lovely book via Amazon. I found out that I am allergic to wheat and so have been playing with different combinations of flours. Came upon a blend similar to yours (minus sweet rice flour) that I love. But I am now going to add the sweet rice flour to see if it improves. I too am trying to make things better than with wheat, so I a excited to try your recipes. One question: have you tried to use gelatin instead of xantham gum for things other than yeasted breads? I am trying to stay away from the gum since I have so many food allergies.
April: Thank you so much for buying my book. And also, check out my post about substitutions for info on xanthan gum substitutions: https://artofglutenfreebaking.com/2012/08/lets-talk-ingredient-substitutions-with-some-substitution-recommendations/. Happy baking!
I am going to try your cranberry cake for my son’s birthday on Saturday. Thank you again for your inspiration.
April: Yay! And happy birthday to your son!!