So, Blogger is in a new and supposedly better incarnation. The only difference I see is that I have to sign in twice to access my account. Once to Blogger and once to Google. Of course, it’s the same when I try to post a comment on other Blogger blogs. And, I can’t quite remember what my user name is for Google versus what it is for Blogger (this username thing is starting to really get on my nerves–is it your email address? your name? a made up name? who knows, since it’s different for every situation). Therefore,I am often barred from leaving comments. I am such a lazy computer person and I am starting to get sick of the 10 millions usernames and passwords that I need just to navigate through cyberspace. The problem is, there is no standard. For some things your username is your email address. For others it’s some version of your name (then we get into first and last or just first or just last or first and last with no space in between) For others, it’s a made up name. It’s like encountering toll booths at every intersection in the road and needing a different sort of currency at each with no clues as to what they actually might take.
We had a week of spring last week–of course, we were sick and were battling the mouse-bat and didn’t really enjoy it like we should have. But, I thought I’d show you some pictures of what it looked like:
This is our Star Magnolia. It smells so good, too bad we don’t have smell-vision to let you experience the loveliness it exudes.
This is Girlfriend (in a moment of energy between stretches of laying around) hanging from a branch of the tree we planted when I was pregnant with her. I can’t believe it’s big enough for her to climb!
The primose outside of our front door. It is so pretty in this middle weather stage between cold and warmth.
On the mouse-bat front, we caught the littlest mouse-bat in a non-humane trap. Apparently it was awful. dAhub dealt with it and had a hard time even telling me about it. I really hope this is the end of our mouse-bat invasion because we can’t take any more heartache.
I know exactly what you mean about all these usernames and passwords – enraging. I love the photos – my parents have a magnolia like yours and they are gorgeous (totally gorgeous), and the primrose is perfect against the blue, very pretty. Are you missing the mouse-bat? I missed our field mouse and had guilt trips about him/her in the cold (middle of a Scottish summer) away from his/her friends, still at least you have a very cute little bat-girl hanging from her tree….