This is the latest thing Rosie’s been doing–she comes up to the kitchen door and asks for company and a snack. So, I open the door (leaving the screen door closed) and then talk to her while I putter around the kitchen. She will cluck back. It’s a nice relationship. Every so often I put out a handful of crushed tortilla chips for her–she loves those.
Other than keeping my chicken company, I’ve been laying low (other than the fifteen million meetings I seem to have each week). I’ve been overly tired, slightly dizzy, a little nauseous and have a killer headache most days. I felt so overwhelmed with fatigue and dizziness yesterday that I called dAhub and started crying that I felt so weirdly unwell and would he pick up Girlfriend from school. He, being the lovely husband he is, said yes and left work early (he paid for this chivalrousness by having to work from home last night). I don’t have a fever, so I don’t know what it is. It might be allergies–this time of year really kicks my butt because I’m allergic to all the blooming trees. Even though I feel physically crappy for a few weeks, I don’t really mind, though, because the beautiful blooms on the trees mean that spring is truly on its way and summer is just around the corner–which makes me quite happy (I’m doing a little dance in my head because I’m too tired to really do one).
In knitting news, I’ve finished knitting my Central Park Hoodie and am now sewing it up. Pictures soon!
Oh poor thing! I hope you feel better soon.