Happy new year! I hope this year finds you happy and healthy.
Things are buzzing along here at Four Chickens. Girlfriend started school this week and DH went back to work, so we’re slowly getting back into the routine. My New Year’s resolution is to walk more. Knitting a lot makes one quite a slug. So, I’ve joined Runagogo–started by a knitter–which has a goal of walking/running/crawling 100 miles before April 1st. We have a lake nearby that is 2.8 miles around, so if I walk it regularly, it should be easy to reach that goal. I did it today and found that 2.8 miles equals about 5700 steps on the pedometer. Who knew? My only question is: how to get in the other 4300 steps that you’re supposed to walk for the healthy 10,000 steps a day goal?
I am busily finishing my various knitting projects. I finished Martha by putting on the buttons. I’m actually in the last 12 rows of the Peace Shawl. All that’s lagging behind is Saranac–sewing the zipper in involves sewing, so it’s a sure bet it won’t get done for a long time… Pictures someday.
On my walk yesterday I saw 2 blue herons standing in the water. They are just beautiful creatures. The zoo is nearby and the herons go over to the zoo at penquin feeding time to score some fish and then they come back to the lake to hang out. A pretty sweet life, I would say.
*More apologies to Sandra Boynton
And a Hippo Gnu Year to you too. I am definitely feeling more Hippo than Gnu and bought a pedometer late last year, the man thinks I should have a knitting equivalent for knitted stitches (that would be the first sensible comment he has made in ages) – do you ever wonder just how far we have knit? Imagine totting up the length of yarn knitted over a year, impressive I reckon. Have a fabby 2007
So nice to meet you! Thanks for commenting on my blog…I’m adding you to my blogroll…More Chickens in the Coop! This Runagogo is great motivation! I actually look forward to walking each day…and here on the East Coast we are having such unseasonably warm weather, I’m going to take advantage of it while I have it!