Hey folks! I am starting to teach classes again–yay! In July I will teach two separate classes on general gluten-free baking. Please check them out!
Gluten-Free Baking (click here to register)
at The Pantry at Delancy in Seattle
July 16th or 17th 2012, 6:30-9:30pm
Know how to bake with wheat, but not sure where to start or proceed in terms of baking gluten-free? Join Jeanne Sauvage, the voice behind the popular site Art of Gluten-Free Baking and author of the upcoming book, Gluten-Free Baking For the Holidays, deconstructs, explains, and demonstrates the secrets behind creating exceptional gluten-free baking. The right recipes, flours, techniques, and equipment are crucial to creating baked items that taste just like you remember goodies baked with wheat to taste. Jeanne will demonstrate techniques by making from scratch: featherlight buttermilk biscuits, berry cake, French baguettes, and gougeres (French cheese puffs).

Wish I lived in your area–I would love to come!