Hey all! I’ve updated my Pie Crust post in order to include updated directions. Pie crust is one of the recipes I get the most questions about and I thought it would be helpful to rewrite it to answer the most common questions.
PS: I seem to have some sort of curse when it comes to this recipe. Once again, I realized that the gram amount of the flour in the recipe was slightly wrong until today (5/17/14). The correct weight is 325 g (not 350 g).
PPS: You can roll the crust out between 2 pieces of plastic wrap if you prefer.
Happy baking!

This is very similar to a pie crust recipe taht I’ve been using for a while but I have never been able to make small tart shells with it. Is this dough strong enough to make a tart shell in a muffin tin they way wheat doaugh does?
Jill: Yes, I use it for that purpose all the time. Just be sure that you’re rolling it at the right temperature. This is what I use for my mini-mincemeat pie recipe in my cookbook. Works like a charm.