I’m getting more and more questions about how to make my bread recipes in bread machines. This is a tricky subject because all bread machines are different and seem to have different settings. I have the Breadman TR875 2-Pound Breadmaker, Stainless Steel (which is no longer available) and I can give you info on how to use that machine, but I don’t have info for how to do my recipes in other machines or other people’s recipes in other machines.
BASIC TIPS: For all machines, I would recommend that you put in the wet ingredients first, then the dry ingredients. For my machine, I do this and then use a rubber spatula to mix them (giving the machine a head start). Then I start the machine and use the rubber spatula to scrape down the sides a few times while my machine is doing the mixing part. After that, I let it do its thing. (Other than this, I don’t have any further info on what to do with your particular machine unless it’s listed below).
Therefore, I have an idea: I would like to invite you to help me help the other folks on this blog who want to use different bread machines. The idea is: you use my Soft Sandwich Bread and/or my Multigrain Bread recipe(s) in your bread machine and then report back your successes to us in the comments to this post. I will then add that information onto the chart below. I will also add columns if needed (for example, if your machine offers the options of different temperatures, etc.).
How to comment: Include the bread recipe you used, any changes you made, the bread machine you used, the settings that worked on that bread machine (see the chart below for info), and the total time it takes in the machine. For the purposes of this post, it’s best for folks only comment with successes–it’s not that helpful to know about stuff that didn’t work. 🙂
Here goes!
Brand | Setting | Color | Loaf Weight | Total Time | |
* | Breadman TR875 | Basic | Medium | 1.5lb | 3hrs 13mins |
* | Breadman TR444 | white | regular | 1.5 lb | (thx to Brenda B) |
* | Cuisinart CBK100 | white | gluten-free | ? | (thx to Tamra) |
* | Cuisinart Convection Breadmaker | white | gluten-free | ? | (thx to Beth) |
* | Chefmate TR7000 | Reg Crust | level 1 | ? | (thx to Carolyn) |
Brand | Setting | Color | Loaf Weight | Total Time | |
* | Breadman TR875 | GF | Medium | 1.5lb | 1hr 17mins |
NOTE: gluten-free breads don’t usually need more than one rise, but in my machine, there is no way to get a longer rise without using a cycle that has several rises and punch-downs. So, that’s why the Basic setting works well for the Soft Sandwich Bread. The Multigrain does well on the Gluten-free setting because it seems to need less time to rise and bake.
Clip art from: clipartmag.com/maker-clipart

Have Oster Bread Machine (of course) @5838. No gluten free setting. Baked regular bread by using Dough setting, then into loaf pan to rise & into oven to bake….wonderful. Tried one recipe all the way through…horrid…threw away.
I will be trying your basic sandwich bread using dough/oven bake recipe and see what happens. If you have any suggestions, I’d appreciate knowing them.
Lelia Oster
Lelia: All I can say is that I have found it useful to mix the wet ingredients in the machine before you add the dry ingredients. Happy baking!
I’m thrilled! I used a new Breville BBM800XL machine machine that I purchased strictly for making gluten free bread.
I used your soft sandwich bread recipe and the only change I made was substituting psyllium (1:!) rather than xanthum gum (because I didn’t have the xanthum on hand). Also used your AP flour mix recipe.With the Breville gluten setting it was easy to watch the kneading and rising process. I live at 5500 feet and did not use the baking powder. I did have to add some flour during the kneading, (sorry I didn’t measure it – just put in several pinches, one at a time).
Other than those changes, I let the machine do its thing. The resulting loaf was not as high as the one in your photo, but the texture and crumb is just about perfect. I left the bread sitting overnight on my counter top, loosely wrapped in a plastic bag and this morning it was still soft and tastes great The crust setting was medium and I think this bread looks just like real wheat bread, except for the height. I will try the recipe with xanthum gum and at least a tsp. or two of baking powder to see if that works any better, but if it doesn’t, I am more than happy with this loaf the way it is. Thanks for a great recipe. YAY!
Sue: Hooray! I’m so glad!
I’m new to the whole Celiac’s, gluten free… Everything.
Can you show me where that recipe is? Or email it to me.
Heavenlei1969@ gmail dot com
(Didn’t know if we could post emails)
I have Celiac’s & just diagnosed a few months ago. I am disability, social security, since 1998 and finding out just how costly this is. I cannot even afford any cookbooks right now on disability. If anyone has good bread machine recipes, please email me! God bless and thank you.
Rev. Alcorn
Rev. Alcorn: I’m so sorry you’re going through all of that. Here are links to the Soft Sandwich Bread and Multi-grain Bread recipes that you can use in a bread machine. You also might want to check out my Gluten Intolerance Initial Diagnosis Survival Sheet to help you get through this early stage of being diagnosed. Things feel really hard and overwhelming at first–but they do get better. Take care!
I would like to start by admitting that I have never made bread before. I tried today after 3 weeks of hunting down all the right ingredients for this recipe. (Winco bulk bins had everything except the mochiko and xanthan gum found on amazon. I quadrupled your soft sandwich bread recipe for $17 with flour to spare.)
Hark! The bread angels are singing! I successfully made the flour, bread, and for way cheap!
I used a hand-me-down bread machine, an Oster Expressbake 2lb #102819 and in it I used the soft sandwich bread recipe. I made no changes because I don’t have luck like that. The settings were basic, medium crust color, and it took 3 hours to bake, another 15 to cool. The loaf weighed 1.8 lbs.
And it’s delicious!! But next loaf, I’ll try the light crust color because the crust is too crusty for such soft, perfectly moist bread. Also, I need to find a post on how to slice your bread and with what because I’m afraid to ruin my pretty little loaf! Do I saw? Hack? Start with a sharper incision through the crust then finish the slice with a bigger knife?
{Love & hugs}
P.s. Your cookbooks are officially on my Christmas list!
Angie: I would recommend that you use a bread knife (that is serrated on the edge) and that you make sure that you bread is completely cool before you cut it. And thank you so much for your support!
I have an oster model #Ckstbktw20.
Which I bought brand new on clearance at Walmart back in February for like $30! It does not have the gluten free setting. Then March 3 I was diagnosed with Celiac’s. Nice right? I was then diagnosed with stenosis of the spine March 4, and severely broke my middle finger on main hand March 6th which has taken 4 months to heal and i was told will take a year to stop hurting and for nerves to heal. I actually crushed it. I’ve had 58 surgeries and 48 surgical injections for pain. So this trial and error is rough on me and expensive for someone whom is on social security disability. I’m 46 and just exploding that trial and error is a pain. Lol… After months of constant trying, because even just a little gluten makes me deathly ill. So much they thought possibly I had cancer or was pregnant till they found out I had Celiac’s.
Finally though, I’ve found a recipe, your recipe, that at least works to a huge degree. I’m sure I did something wrong. Like I know my baking powder is old and needs replaced. So going to try that first. And it’s been raining today, so humidity could be playing a role. But this is the only recipe or batch after about 20-22 that has risen or even looked like or tasted like bread! And I used a bean based flour because I bought 25pounds from fresh thyme on 30% off sale.. Figured I cook a lot it would be cheapest way to get it and save! But too much is going to the birds… Literally. Lol. They gave me 10 for buying a full bag and then it came in while they were having 20off on bulk! So they honored the full 30%!!
But it does taste like regular sandwich bread. But it’s not staying together as well as it should and is just a pinch on the dry side. Opinions? Suggestions? Help. Hah.
Oh. I’m also diabetic. So didn’t have any sugar in the entire house. Only thing I could find for the yeast to eat was honey. I read that was OK for the little buggers! I tried swerve, which is like sugar, tastes like sugar, but zero glycemic index… Yeah. Didn’t work. Smile.
If anybody can mail me with more gluten free recipes for bread for the machine that they have found, it would be great. Being on disability is difficult and limits being able to just go out and buy cookbooks! Please email me. Crazycatlady1969 at gmail dot com. Thanks.
Rev. Rebecca: I am so sorry you have so many physical problems at the moment. I don’t really have any information on how to make bread in a bread maker that’s not listed in this post. If you didn’t follow the directions, including the ingredients, then that’s why things did work as well as they might have. This uses my flour mix. Using just bean flour is probably not going to be satisfactory–it has a bean taste and it doesn’t perform like a mix of flours does. Also, you need xanthan gum in order to hold everything together. It sounds like you need to find a site that specializes in diabetic baking–I don’t know much about diabetic needs and I don’t want to steer you wrong. Good luck!
I bought a bread maker last night (Breville Custom Loaf). As my first attempt today at making the sandwich bread for my now gluten intolerant 3 year old was a complete success. The loaf has already been consumed and I have another one going (which I’m told if I wrap in a tea towel will be nice and fresh for tomorrow morning). I was told gluten free bread should not be made using the delay function….not sure why but bummed by it. I had no option but to choose 2 lb setting for gluten free option, I used medium colour and it took 2 hours and fifty minutes. Thank you so much for all the great information in this site! Btw….my husband ate a full third of the loaf when he got home from work and loved it …..he had no idea it was gluten free!
Andrea: Thanks for letting me know! Also, how long is the delay function? I don’t have one on my bread machine, so I’m not sure how they work. Also, storing your bread in a porous wrapping (like a tea towel or a paper bag) at room temperature (or just cut side down on the cutting board) is the best way to store bread.
Mine can delay up to 13 hours. I read on another gluten free site and the manufacturers handbook that you should not use the delay feature with gluten free. If anyone knows why I would like to know. The excitement on my 3 year old’s face when he took his first bite and deemed it “his” bread was thanks enough. 🙂 tonight we try your hamburger buns! I can’t thank you enough for all your effort!
Andrea: Ah, OK. I think the thought is that since many gluten-free bread recipes include baking powder to add extra leavening power to the yeast, letting a dough sit for 13 hours will reduce the action of the baking powder. Other than that, I don’t see a problem with letting a gluten-free dough be on delay. The breads in my new book have doughs that sometimes sit overnight–and they are fine. I would try it and see what happens!
Hey Andrea, using Delay on any bread recipe that contains eggs or milk can promote the growth of bacteria. That’s why we shouldn’t use it.
My bf Hates anything gluten free. However I made pancakes this morning. They were fine till I let on they were gluten free. Lol
Rev. Rebecca: Yay!
I just tried my brand new Breadman Ultimate Bread Machine re: making a gluten-free loaf of bread. I used the Hodgson Mill gf bread mix that comes in a box. I did exactly as the book /instructions said to do – liquid first, bread mix and yeast put in a small well. The ingredients were exact measurements re: what was required. The bread, at the end of the cycle (1 hr 19 mins) was light on the top and doughy. I had to try and finish baking it in the conventional oven. Still don’t know if it will be edible. What on earth could have gone wrong? Any suggestions or ideas would be SO helpful.
Barb: I’m not really sure. I haven’t used the Hodgson Mill mix, so I’m not sure how it works.
Hi! I followed your recipe exactly and applied the instructions for the “Deluxe Super Rapid” cycle of my bread maker. Its a Breadman Pro TR777spr. This is the best GF bread I have ever tasted!!!! The cycle only takes 59 min. so I was pretty thrilled it did so well. I think its a shorter (single) knead, then a hotter shorter rise, and a hotter shorter bake.
I HATE waiting three and a half hours for bread. I used a mix of olive and walnut oil for the flavor. The bread has the closest consistency to white sandwich bread I’ve ever seen. I’m going to take down the liquid a touch and try it with honey or maybe date or palm sugar or a combination of honey and molasses which is my favorite. I don’t know if yeast can eat date or coconut palm sugar. Need to research that. Thank you so much for the amazing flour mix and bread recipes!! Because it turned out so well I feel I can now get creative with it like adding herbs or something, thanks again.
Bonnie: Yay!!
I have an older machine with no gluten-free setting. I took your advice somewhere that your mix can be simply substituted for flour. Oops, that really does not work in older machines. I’ve made many, many loaves with wheat flour, and I could see after 5 minutes that this was going to be a disaster. Gluten helps to create a kind of glue so that when the ingredients are mixed, a nice (?) ball is formed. Not so with the gluten mix: on gets a kind of sandy, cracked-open dry thing that does not get kneaded. I suppose I should have read all the posts above, but I assumed “my mix can be substituted for flour” applied to all methods of baking and stopped reading at that point. Maybe the warning about older bread machines could go higher up in your website? Perhaps right in the bread recipe?
Thanks for your work in testing many mixes to find the best one…but I will be baking my next loaf in the oven. The bread machine one will serve as a nice doorstop.
Robert: So sorry about your experience. My mix can be substituted one for one for most recipes–except for yeasted recipes. Yeasted recipes need more tweaks. I don’t think I have said that my mix can be substituted for yeasted recipes (I try to make a point that yeasted recipes need more work than just flour substitution), but if there is a place where I do so–would you send me the link so I can adjust it? Thank you.
Therefore, your issues with the bread aren’t necessarily due to your machine. It’s due to the recipe. If you can, use my bread recipe (either the Soft Sandwich Bread or the Multigrain) and see how it goes.
You say it in your post called “The story behind my gluten-free flour mix”.
“This mix contains just brown rice, white rice, and sweet rice flours, mixed with tapioca flour and xanthan gum. It’s easy for me to mix on my own, and it stores well in the fridge. People ask for it all of the time. And best of all, I can use it as a cup-for-cup substitute for wheat flour in most of my recipes. Yay!”
Sarah: Ah, OK. Thanks! I just changed that!
I tried this bread in my regular old bread machine yesterday. I followed the directions for the machine. The bread came out very nice. It didn’t rise in the middle and kind of looked like a brick but it was soft inside and tasted good.
Stephanie: I’m glad it worked out!
Model B2500C Black n Decker.
I made a custom program.
I proofed the yeast first and then added it all in. Two five minute kneads and a 40 minute rise. It didn’t seem to rise too too much. I baked it at 355 for 45 minutes. I couldnt get it to go to 375 as the next one up was 400.
It came out with only a light golden colour on top. Its definitely the best one I have made yet. But it seems a little too moist.
I used the same ingredients as I did with your buns. With coconut flour instead of sweet rice.
I am going to try and tweak it. Bit until i can get it to rise a little more.
Kim: sounds good! Thank you for the info!
I used the Hamilton Beach HomeBaker™ Breadmaker as well. 2 lb. Loaf, Medium Crust Gluten free setting…at the beginning of the bake time (55 min) I quickly smoothed out the top. No mountainous terrain here.
Substitutions I made: coconut oil instead of the fat, water instead of milk. The only other thing I did was warm the eggs and the water.
Bread was great. I ate the crust right from the pan.
I love your flour mix and use it for everything. Turned my sister onto it and she made pies and sausage rolls for Christmas and was so pleased with the results. My daughter is also a believer.
We have your holiday book and are eagerly awaiting your new one especially for the english muffin recipe!
Thank you so much for sharing your talents.
Linda: Thank you!
I used the Hamilton Beach HomeBaker™ 2 Lb. Breadmaker (29881) 1.5 Loaf, Medium Crust. I used your ingredient list and HB machine directions (liquid/dry/yeast) on the Gluten Free setting. Set it and forget it 🙂 I think it took over 2 hours. I was doing other cooking and wasn’t attending to the time.
It worked. Yummy.
Jo: Yay! Thank you!
Hi Jeanne, and I thank you so very much for your taking the time to work on these recipes and site AND answer all of our questions. I have been making regular wheat bread and white rolls for years and am trying your gluten free sandwich bread recipe for the first time. I used to use a machine, but when it died (undoubtedly from exhaustion) I just began kneading bread by hand. I tried just mixing this dough with a spoon and my biceps, and I would describe its appearance to be like cookie dough. Is this okay? I’m waiting on it to rise now. Any tips on this would be so appreciated. Again, I thank you.
Thiah: Yes, this dough looks more like a cake batter than like a bread dough. It will be much more wet and sticky and regular bread dough. Happy baking!
Hi Jeanne:
I came across your blog this evening and thought that perhaps you or one of your readers could help. I just got a bread machine for Christmas (Black & Decker), but I need some advice as I`m `new`to gluten-free, dairy-free baking (due to an intolerance).
Which gluten-free flour do you find works best in a bread machine… and how do you substitute for dairy in your recipes (in general) without affecting the outcome of the loaf…
Hopefully, you can shed some light on this for a newcomer. 🙂
I’m using a bread machine West Bend to be exact. It’s older and does not have a gluten free setting. I read every post you have displayed on this with the soft sandwich bread recipe. I use this machine all the time. I add the ingredients liquid first, then dry, then yeast on top. The only issue imam finding as I’m watching it is the top is very rough looking.
I followed the ingredients you vcalled for to a tee. Metal pan eggs room temperature, I even bought the same brand of flours. It’s not a big deal just a question. I think reading all the post has made me apprehensive. I really have been satisfied with most breads except like you I want sandwich bread, no aftertaste.
Betsy: I’m so glad it worked for you and you like it!
Hello Betsy, I also have a West Bend, and was wondering what setting you use – Basic, 1.5 lb loaf, medium crust? Thanks 🙂
I have an oster model CKSTBR9050 it has a gluten free setting! I’ve made it with proofing the yeast and starting it, and I’ve also just followed the directions of adding liquid first, then dry, then the yeast….I’ve found that we enjoy the proofed yeast better…we also prefer our yummy whole raw milk vs water or almond! The gluten free setting is pre-set meaning I can’t select a loaf size or color. The time is 2:10 and it only has one rise! I’m not sure if they still make this model as I found it at Tuesday morning but I hope this helps someone! Enjoy! Ps we LOVE this bread and EVERYTHING else I’ve ever made!
Lara: Thank you for the information! Also, I’m so glad you like the recipes!!
I made the soft sandwich bread recipe in my Zojirushi BB-PAC20 bread maker and it turned out fantastic!
Annie: Thanks for letting me know!
What setting did you use, Annie? I have that machine as well. Thanks.
Barry, I used the Gluten Free setting. It was, literally, the first loaf of gluten free bread I’ve ever made but it turned out way better than any I’ve ever bought.
Annie, I have the same machine. I think the first loaf rose and then fell. I reduced the yeast by 1/2 TBS and it didn’t fall, but didn’t still rise as desired. Have you made any adjustments since this post? Thanks.
Annie – did you use bread machine yeast or regular yeast. I just bought that bread machine as it was recommended for GF bread.
Marj: Bread machine yeast and “regular” aka, active dry yeast, are the same yeast. The difference is that the bread machine (or “instant”) yeast is treated to allow it to work a bit faster than active dry. But using one or the other shouldn’t make much of a difference in your bread.
I’m new to bread making in general and have only used one bread recipe in my machine. I literally just add all the ingredients (in a certain order/arrangement) and the machine does the rest. I know you don’t know how to tell everyone how to adjust their recipes per each different bread machine, but when using a bread machine, in what part of the soft gluten-free sandwich bread recipe do I add the dough to the bread machine?
Laura: Hm, I’m not quite sure what your question is. I would add all of the ingredients to the machine, with the wet ingredients first. Then use the gluten-free setting, if there is one and see how it goes. You may need to experiment with the settings to get it right. 🙂
I have the west bend automatic bread and dough maker thats 15 years old. I made one loaf of bread by a different recipe that used bobs red mill all purpose gluten free flour. That loaf rose and baked all the way through. It was very crumbly and bad a BAD taste to it. My sons dietitian recommended ur site when I told her I had no idea what I was doing and desperately needed guidance. I just made ur soft bread recipe. My health food store had sweet brown rice flour so thats what I used for the sweet rice flour. I used the sane brand yeast u do except it was instant. My bread didn’t rise and wasn’t cooked all the way through. Now here it is almost 1 in the morning and my 4 year old is gonna be expecting to be abject to have bread for breakfast and I dint have any good enough to give him. I mixed all the dry ingredients and mixed all the liquid ingredients putting the liquid on bottom dry on top and the yeast on top of that. It seemed like my machine wasn’t getting the ingredients mixed so I took a spatula and helped it along, then the dough didn’t look right so I added a TBS of lactose free milk witch us what we use and that made it worse so I added a TBS of the flour mixture but the machine didn’t get it mixed up either so u had to help it again. The only difference between how I loaded this recipe verses the first was that there didn’t seem yo be as much dry ingredients and the first recipe called for butter witch I put in according to the manual fir my machine. The yeast is good I checked the expiration date. I used the basic setting on the machine same as before. Same crust setting too. Can someone plz plz plz help me!!
Kim: I’m sorry you are experiencing so much trouble with your machine. Please be aware that most older bread machines aren’t designed to accommodate gluten-free breads and they don’t work well. I have no idea how to help you with your particular machine. I would recommend that you forget about using the bread machine and use my recipes using the oven. That way you will have control over what happens.
I have an older Westbend machine, too…. it’s the one that makes loaves shaped like normal bread. I haven’t tried the recipe – I was here looking to see if I could use my bread maker for GF breads.
Your post is VERY helpful. Thank you for taking the time to post!
Hi, I just baked this recipe in my older Westbend today. While by appearance and texture it was perfect, it was a bit yeasty for our taste. We awe new to GF and will do some research to modify a bit for a more palatable bread. Thank you so much for the recipes ans comments. They truly are helpful!
Christie: Sounds good! I’m so glad to be of help!
The white sandwich bread turned out perfect! I use the Cuisinart CBK100, and substituted Arrowroot for the Sweet Rice Flour (because I couldn’t find Sweet Rice). Other than that I followed all of the instructions, with liquids on the bottom, and used the Gluten Free setting. So easy!
Tamra: Oo, thank you so much for the info! And I’m so glad you liked it!
I used the Cuisinart Convection Breadmaker for the soft white bread recipe. Turned out great with the gluten free setting. (Though, I haven’t made your loaf pan recipe to compare it to.) Generally speaking, most gluten free breads I’ve made are not squishy enough for a sandwich. This, I believe, will work! I’ve made other good breads, but they all end up being a little crumbly for a sandwich (i.e. better as thick slices).
*Cuisinart Convection Breadmaker recommends liquids at the bottom, dry ingredients on top and yeast last.*
Beth: Yay! I’m so glad. And thank you so much for the bread machine info. Also, yes–the liquids at the bottom is a terrific tip! That’s what I do, too.
I made the soft white bread and I used a Chefmate TR7000. I warmed my milk and added a Tablespoon of sugar along with the yeast and let is sit for a few minutes before adding the rest of the liquid ingredients. Then I placed all of my dry ingredients on top of that and started my machine at level 1 which is he basic Reg. Crust 1 to 1-1/2 lb loaf setting.
This is the cycle:
knead 1-3 minutes
knead 2-30 minutes
first rise 23 minutes
shape 20 seconds
second rise 60 minutes
bake 43 minutes
auto cool down 60 minutes
I still prefer the method of baking in the oven but it did turn out fine.
Caroline: Wow! Thank you so much!!
Can anyone tell me where I can find the flours needed for these recipes? I was recently diagnosised with Celiac Disease and so was my toddler. I have a bread machine I will be using but I cannot seem to find gluten free flours. Are there any that are really affordable on a tight budget? Thanks so much in advanced.
Arlene: Check out my post answering questions about my flour mix, which includes info about where to get the flours and how much the flours cost.
I’m not sure where you live put here in Oregon, Winco is the cheapest place to buy most (not all) ingredients. only 92cents a pound! (in the bulk section)
Maggie: Thank you for the info!
Hi Jeanne,
I have been looking for such a resource unsuccessfully for quite some time. I am retired and love baking, and have a couple of small blogs on cooking … and just found out two years ago during a routine visit to my allergist about gluten issues. As a retired nurse, I should have considered this myself, but well, as they say… those in health care don’t often take very good care of themselves.
Thanks again for these recipes, Jeanne. I will try them out tomorrow!
Brenda: Welcome! Happy baking!
I use an old Welbilt bread machine, and a friend gave me some good advice. In the manual it says how long the machine runs through initial rise, so I set the timer, turn of the machine after that time, let it rise another 15-20 minutes, then set the machine to bake. It means I have to be around to manually change the settings, but the bread turns out MUCH better. Now I just need to try your recipes! And if you want a machine that does this automatically, I hear the Zojirushi is good (but expensive)
I really enjoy your blog;thanks for the wonderful information
Richie: You’re welcome!
I don’t have a GF setting on my machine. Any ideas on what to try for the Multigrain Bread. I have a Williams Sonoma WS0598.
EW: I’m not sure. Is there a setting that includes one rise? That setting would probably be good. Or, you can just try the regular setting and see how it goes.
I realize you asked about bread machines, but just wanted to let everyone know your bread recipes turn out perfect in stoneware pans. That’s all I’ve got for loaf pans and the bread turns out perfect every time! I should know, I’ve been making it every week. I’m becoming a bit of a stalker;)
Tracy: Thanks for the tip! Stoneware is an excellent baking material–it retains heat quite well.
{New Post} Bread Machines and My Bread Recipes: An Invitation to help me help you http://t.co/bYwu1u0GpM